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Image may be NSFW. Image may be NSFW. Eco exempt IC-2 Insecticde (Essentria IC - 3)Eco exempt IC-2 Insecticde (Essentria IC - 3) uses a knockdown method to kill pests the minute they come into contact with it. EcoExempt IC is an all-natural substance made from oils such as rosemary, wintergreen, and eugenol. Unlike chemical pesticides, EcoExempt IC-2 leaves behind a botanical scent. EcoExempt IC- 2 works great for corners, cracks, and crevices.
Inside: Apartment buildings, bakeries, beverage plants, bottling facilities, breweries, cafeterias, candy plants, canneries, cereal processing and manufacturing plants, dairy barns, poultry facilities, flour mills, food processing plants, frozen food plants, homes, hospitals, hotels, houses, industrial buildings, kennels, kitchens, laboratories, manufacturing facilities, mausoleums, meat processing and packaging plants, meat and vegetable canneries, motels, nursing homes, office buildings, restaurants, schools, stores, supermarkets, warehouses, and similar structures. Outside:Building foundations, dairy facilities, drive-in restaurants, drive-in theaters, golf courses, parks, playgrounds, poultry houses, recreational areas, schools, urban areas, lawns, landscape areas, trees, turf, and zoos. For sensitive indoor/outdoor surfaces such as vinyl, plastic, fabric, wood floors, etc. test a small non-visible area first before spraying. This includes vinyl siding, outdoor furniture, storm doors and windows, etc. It is possible that EcoEXEMPT IC2 may mar some sensitive surfaces. If spray gets on any sensitive surface that is listed, simply rinse with water and wipe off with clean cloth. EcoEXEMPT IC2 may be diluted with water or oil and applied with conventional application equipment including, but not limited to, compressed air sprayers and power sprayers. When diluting with water, prepare only the amount needed for immediate use and maintain agitation during use. Do Not Store Spray Solution Overnight. For oil dilutions that are applied in food handling establishments, a deodorized petroleum oil which conforms to CFR 21 (especially section 172.884) is required (such as Exxon Isopar M, Ashland Low Odor Base Solvent, or the equivalents). Tank mix applications must be made in accordance with the more restrictive of label limitations and precautions. No label dosages may be exceeded. This product cannot be tank mixed with any product with label prohibitions against such mixing. Advantages of EcoEXEMPT IC-2Quick knockdown/kill Do not apply directly to house plants. Cover/avoid any pools or aquaria prior to spraying. GENERAL PEST CONTROL with Eco EXEMPT IC - 2:To control accessible, exposed stages of crawling insects including, but not limited to, Ants, Cockroaches, Cadelles, Cigarette Beetles, Dark Mealworms, Dried Fruit Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Confused Floor Beetles, Grain Mites, Fowl mites, Mites, Red Flour Beetles, Rice Weevils, Saw-toothed Grain Beetles, Spiders, Spider Beetles, Termites, Yellow Mealworms in sites that include, but are not limited to, apartments, homes, restaurants, food processing plants, industrial installations and warehouses, dilute at the rate of up to .5 to 6 fluid ounces of EcoEXEMPT IC2 per gallon of water (use lower rate for maintenance service and higher rates for active infestations). Thoroughly spray non-visible areas where these insects are usually found with special attention to cracks and crevices, niches, dark corners, drains and other harborage sites. To prevent potential discoloring, do not spray on visible areas (i.e. baseboards, door frames, walls, etc.) and wipe away excess. Food processing operations may continue when EcoEXEMPT IC2 is applied as a surface, spot or crack and crevice treatment in accordance with the directions and precautions given above. FOGGING with Eco EXEMPT IC - 2:To control crawling and flying insects (Flies, Moths, Fruit Flies, etc) in sites that include, but are not limited to, food processing plants, (INCLUDING USDA INSPECTED FACILITIES), industrial installations, animal quarters (cattle barns, horse barns, poultry barns, swine houses, zoos and warehouses), EcoEXEMPT IC2 may be applied as a space spray through conventional fogging equipment. Cover or remove exposed food and cover food-handling surfaces in edible product areas of food handling establishments. Also cover sensitive surfaces (plastics, etc). Close and shut off air conditioning or ventilating equipment. Mix 4 to10 ounces of EcoEXEMPT IC2 insecticide with sufficient oil to equal 1 gallon of diluted spray. (It is recommended to use lower rates in most food facility applications). Apply at a rate of 1 to 3 fluid ounces per 1000 cubic feet, filling the room with mist (or fog, if thermal equipment is used). Keep area closed for at least 15 minutes. Vacate treated area. Ventilate before reoccupying. Fogging may create slippery conditions on painted floor surfaces. Retreat if reinfestation occurs. The product does contain plant oils that are inherently fragrant. When used in confined spaces, prolonged exposure to the fragrance may be objectionable to some individuals. Please refer to and follow directions on the EcoExempt IC -2 product label. |
Eco exempt IC-2 Insecticde (Essentria IC - 3) -- $89.90